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A Royal Birth or a Pain in the Back

A Royal Birth or a Pain in the Back

Not all of us have the privilege of having a chiropractor at hand during their pregnancy and the joy of preparing for a new baby may be diminished for many women by persistent back pain during pregnancy, causing stress and frustration due to the lack of relief available. Many pain-reducing drugs have unwanted side effects that may endanger both mother and child.

North London Chiropractor, Carl Irwin, an SOT chiropractor with over 20 years’ experience with pregnant mums and babies, says: “Almost half of all pregnant women experience back pain during pregnancy. For this reason, it is important to know as much as possible about why you may be experiencing back pain as well as effective alternatives to taking medication.”

helped with several high profile pregnancies adds “During pregnancy a woman’s body changes dramatically. Pregnancy is a time of constant change in preparation for the new and growing baby. Postural changes, increased weight gain and the ligaments becoming more stretched due to hormonal changes, are a normal progression of pregnancy and may cause more pain and discomfort in some women than others. “

Carl Irwin also adds, “There is no single cause to explain back pain during pregnancy, however, postural and hormonal changes do contribute to the problem, but the good news is there’s a lot that a chiropractor can do to help”.

Common symptoms can include low back pain, pelvic joint pain, SPD and discomfort pain in the ribcage, shoulder girdle, and neck. Headache and migraine pain, heartburn, numbness in the arms and legs are also common symptoms.

Posturally, it is vital to keep upright and straight so Chiropractic care could be an important part of your pregnancy to prevent back pain. Chiropractic care can help you to have a more comfortable pregnancy and less stressful delivery by means of gentle and specific treatment specially designed for the pregnant woman.

You and your chiropractor can work together to develop a course of exercise to increase muscle tone and flexibility and help to reduce tension. This may range from continuing your current exercise programme to introducing a series of gentle stretches and advice on posture and exercises to strengthen the spine. Certain Chiropractors are trained in specific techniques (known as Sacro Occipital Technic –SOT) and use modified adjustments that allow you to receive chiropractic care all the way through and after your pregnancy. SOT chiropractor are also trained in cranial paediatrics so can see your baby should they become unsettled.

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For further information please contact – Carl Irwin, Chiropractic Clinic, 96 Edgware Way, Edgware Middx HA8 8JS – 0208 905 4440 or email


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