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Your kids are right school is …” bad for your health”

After the long summer holidays, it’s time for your kids to go back to school! Perhaps it will even be a new school? But guess what school may educate the mind, but these days we question its value physically…Lack of exercise, poor diet, and being cooped up all in a classroom with the heating on and the windows shut are a definite recipe for an unhealthy child.

Here are our top survival tips to help your children through the school term.

Sleeping…It is important they get enough sleep so that mind and body can work normally. They may have picked up some ‘bad’ sleeping habits from the holidays. Computers, play stations, xbox etc over stimulate the brain and affect the quality of sleep so avoid them for at least an hour before going to bed. Also try to get them to bed a little earlier so that you wake up fully refreshed!

Early Morning Exercise…Once you are in a routine of sleeping and waking up at the same time during weekdays, why not try to get up a few minutes earlier so that you can do some gentle exercises and stretching.

Healthy Breakfast…Never miss breakfast! It is the first and most important meal of the day. But before you eat drink a large glass of water first. Ideally 15 minutes before you eat, say before you dress. Then go for healthy cereals that contain oats and whole grains. How about porridge or muesli? Add your own fresh fruit like chopped apples and bananas. Then have some protein like scrambled egg or an omelette with beans, or for the really healthy some spinach. Don’t start your day on a piece of toast. It’s as good as eating cardboard.

On the Way to School…we all know this but try walking or cycling to school, if you can. Make sure you carry a bottle of water with you though!

Sitting Down In Class…Slouching is bad for your back. Kids may not even know they are doing it. It happens slowly as we gradually lean forward creating an unnecessary curve on our spine. Get them to it on a chair and make sure your back is straight. Lean your back gently against the chair. Keep their feet flat on the ground rather than swinging. This will help you stay comfortable and relaxed. If the chair is too small speak to their teacher or the schools health and safety governor.

Break times and after school…Sitting is one of the biggest causes of back problem, what ever the age. Its incidence is increasing in kids. So encourage your kids not just to sit about during their break times and once home from school. Many schools run clubs that your kids can go to. Select ones that get them outside in the fresh air and doing some exercise. Boys seem worse than girls and as they hit their teens they tend to try and chain themselves to the sofa, the TV and the game console. Encourage them to drink water and teach them the difference between a good and bad snack.

Concerned about the effects of school on your kids posture