The Amazing Research of Dr Harry Windsor, M.D.
In some amazing research, Dr. Henry Winsor did autopsies to determine if there was any connection between minor distortions of the vertebra and diseased organs, or whether the two were entirely independent of each other. The studies were performed at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Winsor carefully examined any diseased organs, the nerves that supplied that organ, and the vertebra that protected that nerve. He discovered that 221 structures, other than the spine, were diseased. Of these structures, 212 were observed to belong to the same sympathetic [nerve] segments as the vertebrae in the distortion. This is a 96% correlation. 96% of the nerves that supplied the diseased organ came from the damaged vertebral level.
There were nine diseased organs belonging to different sympathetic segments from the vertebrae found to be out of line. However, these diseased levels could have also been impacted by the nerves coming from the spinal distortions because, as Dr. Windsor stated, “the nerves entering and leaving the cord travelled up or down the cord for a few segments, accounting for all the apparent discrepancies.” He indicated that there was nearly a 100% correlation between ‘minor curvatures’ of the spine and diseases of the internal organs, realizing that the connection between the spine and the organ is through the sympathetic nerves.
For example, all 20 cases of heart disease, all 13 cases of liver disease, all 9 cases of stomach disease, all 26 cases of lung disease, all 8 cases of prostate and bladder disease…Dr. Winsor’s research demonstrated spinal distortions irritating the nerve that supplied the diseased organ.
Dr. Winsor concluded that “irritation near the origin of the sympathetic nerve will cause functional or organic changes in the organs supplied by the portion of the sympathetic nerve system irritated.”
Based on this research, nearly 100% of diseased organs may be a result of an irritation or interference to the nerve that supplies that organ. The irritation and interference is at the site of the where the nerve exits the vertebra.
Don’t you think it’s time to have your loved ones checked for hidden nerve interference?
References: All quotes from: Winsor, H. Sympathetic segmental disturbances–II. The evidences of the association, in dissected cadavers, of visceral disease with vertebral deformities of the same sympathetic segments, The Medical Times, November 1921, pp. 267-271.